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Single Phase Ac Induction Motors

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Amit Electricals Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Single Phase A c Induction Motor Since 1978. By using quality-approved components and latest techniques these induction motors are become high Quality products for all of Industries.



Single phase Motor Manufacturing form 0.1 H.p. to 3 H.p. (0.075 K.W. to 2.2 K.W.) Frame 63 to 112M in 2 & 4, Pole

Mounting Type

  • Foot (B3)
  • Flange (B5)
  • Face (B14)
  • Foot with Flange (B35)
  • Foot with Face (B34)


Single Phase Motor are supplied in a robust, rugged cast iron frame with integral feet. On Request we can supply motor in aluminum body up to 100 L frame.

Voltage and Frequency

Single Phase Motor Are Supply volts 220 ± 5% 3 phase 50 Hz. ± 3% We are also able to Supply motor in 110 volts on HZ. 60 Also.



Single Phase Motor supply with class B insulation as standard feature. Also supply “F” on request of customer.


We are supply motor with Ingress protection 44 as defined in IS: 4691. Motors can be supplied with IP-54 and IP-55 on request.

Shaft Direction

All Single Phase Motor are supply with clock wise shaft rotation. It also possible of reveres Direction rotation. We are manufacture single reversible single phase motor.


Centrifugal Switch

Centrifugal switch is hart of Single phase motor. A centrifugally operated automatic Mechanism used in conjunction with split phase and other type of single-phase induction motors. Centrifugal cutout switches will open or disconnect the starting winding when the rotor has reached a predetermined speed and reconnect it when the motor speed falls below it. Without such device, the starting winding is susceptible to rapid overheating and subsequent burnout.

Winding Design

Capacitor start induction run motors with high starting torques suitable for use in machine tools, Small compressors, booster pumps, atta chakkis etc. Where high lord inertia and or Frequent staring or stopping is involved. Resistant start induction run motor with moderately high starting torques ideally suited for optimum performance in applications like commercial juicers, industrial sewing machine, surgical pumps ECT

Shaft & Rotor

Single Phase Motor Rotor is positive locking with Shaft key joint so that cannot move on high Full lord Torque. Shafts are made by En-8 or En-9 material. Single Phase motor are of high pressure E.C. Grad aluminum die-cast. Every rotor is dynamically balanced. Its make motor low amplitudes of Vibration & noise


Bearings & Lubrication

Single phase motor Bearings are adequately lubricated with lithium based high temp up to 150deg. All the motors are supplied with C3 ball bearing & fully charged with lithium base grease at the time of assembly.


Single phase motor Supply with Enclosure T.E.F.C. (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooling).

Thermal Over protection

We can also supply motor with T.O.P Switch on Demand of Customer. It can provide Single phase motor extra safety form over lord protection.


Terminal Box

All Single phase Motor Supply with Terminal box on top position For Foot mounted (B3). Other position box like left or right supply on customer request.

Earthing Terminals

All Single Phase Motor provided with minimum two earthling terminals. One in the terminal box and other at foot.



All Single phase motor are painted with semi glossy synthetic enamel paint. However sp. Paint is available on request.


  • High efficient
  • Noise Free
  • Vibrating free
  • Low running cost
  • Durable
  • Smooth finishing
  • Cost effective
  • Precision design

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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